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Ambulance Service

Medical Transportation

Pine County contracts with one of the nation’s most experienced and qualified non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) broker MTM. MTM arranges and authorizes all medical transportation needs for Pine County residents who are currently on Medical Assistance.

Medical Transportation

Management (MTM)





Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Monday - Friday


Or you may also call them at 866-467-1724 with at least three business days’ notice. They also request that you provide at least five days’ notice when renewing your bus pass.

MTM schedules and provides routine transportation Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. We also provide after-hours services for hospital discharges and life-sustaining appointments.

Ambulance Service
Happy Bus Driver


Available for Rides to Health Care Appointments

You will be able to receive a ride to your health care appointments if the provider is in your plan network. To arrange a ride you need to be a member of Blue AdvantageSM Families and Children or Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+), and not have access to your own vehicle or other ride. 

Schedule, Change,
or Cancel a Ride


or toll free at



When you call, a BlueRide representative will make sure you are eligible. If you are, you can receive one of these services: 

  • A public bus pass if you live in a public transit service area.

  • A scheduled medical ride or other ride service if you live outside a public transit service area

  • If you have a disability or other special needs, BlueRide will find another type of ride to meet your needs.

Hotline Consultant
Taxi Driver


Here are things to keep in mind when using BlueRide: 

  • BlueRide is for covered medical, dental, and mental health appointments, as well as to pick up prescriptions. You also can use BlueRide when you leave the hospital after a medically necessary stay.

  • Rides are available for the member. The member may have an escort come with them.

  • If the ride is for a minor, the minor must be accompanied by a trusted adult over age 18. Children under the age of 12 cannot ride alone.

  • Please specify if a car seat is needed when scheduling your ride. You may need to supply your own car seat.

  • Respectful, appropriate behavior is required for the duration of the ride.

  • Call to schedule your ride as soon as you schedule your appointment, with at least 2 business days before your appointment.

  • For bus passes, call at least 10 business days before your appointment.

  • If you need to change or cancel your ride, call BlueRide as soon as possible, with a minimum of 4 hours before your scheduled pick-up time. Failure to cancel unneeded rides may result in temporary loss of BlueRide services. 

Pine Healthcare Campus

 705 Lundorff Drive, Sandstone, MN 55072


North Pine Area Hospital District

501 Main Street North, Sandstone, MN 55072 

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